My House is in Detox

My trial and error journey into natural, non-toxic cleaners that actually work.

And 3 years (almost) later, I’m back. August 28, 2012

And it feels like those 3 years are a lifetime. I’m now a single mom in school full-time. I lapsed in my ‘healthy cleaning’ during this time and had almost no time for blogging. A split from my husband and a move, starting school etc were very traumatic. Huge changes in my life meant I often cut corners. This last summer, however, I bought a home of my own (I’m currently renting), things are settling down for me and I’m committed to return to my non-toxic ways.

So first – I’ve discovered microfibre cloths – namely Norwex and E-cloths. Love my 1 Norwex cloth I have. E-cloths should be here any day. I’m going to compare the 2 and see how they work. I also found some really, surprisingly, good cloths at my local dollar store, and can now clean my windows and glass and mirrors with just plain water. So if you are tired of buying Windex or mixing environmentally friendly glass cleaner that makes your house stink like vinegar, a damp microfibre cloth and a glass cleaning/shining cloth are definitely the way to go!

Since I’m moving out of my rental, and my landlord is selling the house, I’m going to have a lot of people walking through in the next little while. I’m going to be in school during this time and I’m pretty stressed about keeping the place clean while in school, with 4 pretty messy kids. So I decided to see if I could find a recipe for Tilex fresh shower that doesn’t reek of vinegar. I’m going to try this one:

Homemade Daily Shower Cleaner Spray

I’ll let you all know how it goes – if school doesn’t take every waking moment this term like it did last term. If it does…I’ll see you in December, LOL.