My House is in Detox

My trial and error journey into natural, non-toxic cleaners that actually work.

My house is a disaster. April 17, 2009

Filed under: My posts — Tamara @ 10:01 pm
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Much like my life at the moment.

I haven’t done much ‘natural’ cleaning, lately. Although I’m still using my own recipes for wet jetting my floors. For my wood floor, I’ve been using water, lemon oil, and a small squirt of Dawn. For my kitchen, I usually have a mix of vinegar, water, squirt of Dawn, and a few drops of Patchouli EO. Love the smell of patchouli – it is also the best at covering up the smell of the vinegar (I still can’t get used to it!!).

My next project, should I ever get around to it, is to knit some reusable swiffer duster covers. Oh, and I now have a swiffer vacuum, so I need to make some dry cloths for the back part. I’m not sure what to use though. I think polyester microfleece would be best.

Hopefully soon I’ll feel more like cleaning naturally. Right now there are just too many other things going on in my life. I suppose that’s the story with a lot of people. 😦 Trying to live naturally always seems to take a backseat to our busy/crazy/messed up lives.


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