My House is in Detox

My trial and error journey into natural, non-toxic cleaners that actually work.

So I haven’t been cleaning much… May 21, 2008

Filed under: My posts — Tamara @ 12:54 am
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This is what I’ve been up to:


I was so tired of my tea towels and hand towels falling all over the floor. Or being pulled down by a certain destructive and crazy 1 year old. So I dug out this crochet pattern in some obscure crochet mini-magazine I bought when we were living in an apartment before our house was finished being built. I bought it for the toddler poncho (that I never did make), who’d have thought I’d have needed the shell stitch tea towel? LOL. These were pretty fun to make, except the button-hole was BIG, those were the biggest buttons I could find and they are just barely big enough. Next time I’ll make that smaller. But at least for now, I’m not dealing with my towels hitting the dirty floor! Not that the floor is dirty, I’ve been mopping nearly every night, but you know what I mean :P.